More Than Just
Chiropractic Care
Empowering yoU with knowledge and Guiding you with Clinical Expertise to Thrive in your body
My Approach
Health and Wellness are so much more then just being pain-free, it is a place where people are thriving in their bodies and lives.
It is paramount that you play an active role in your own care. Teaching and empowering you is one of my favourite parts of helping you.
I will always be your biggest fan!
I love to create a treatment plan with movement and life goals along the way to ensure you feel successful on your journey, whether that is an acute injury or a bigger life goal.
1:1 Care
Dr. Jenn’s Signature Approach is a personalized plan that will allow you to reach your goals. This type of care is for those that have suffered an injury and want to be pain-free, for those rehabilitating from surgery or Moms in need of guidance postpartum.
Virtual Care
Get all the health support and vital information you need via telemedicine for your health care goals. Whether you are looking for a second opinion on your treatment plan and diagnosis or want to embark on rehabilitation at home. It’s that simple.
Free Training
Ready to get started?
Grab my Free Deep Breathing for Back Pain where you will learn the 3 essentials to optimize your breathing for a strong and supported spine.
"My friends ask why I drive across the city to see my chiropractor when we have someone in our gym, I tell them it's because Dr. Jenn is the best"
-Happy Client